Top Secret:
Document Y83IC7O922AP6
July 07-09-2014
It's not everyday that I get a chance to take senior pictures for Superman, I mean my brother. I suppose since this is classified I don't need to worry about revealing his identity, but you can never be too careful since Lex Luthor always seems to be around every corner. Let me tell you about how this whole top secret mission took place.
Michael is not a huge photo session fan. If you pull out a camera, he'll sigh and complain how long it's going to take. As you can imagine, senior pictures was not something he was looking forward to. That is, until my mom can up with the idea to make it Superman themed.
Why Michael likes Superman, I really don't know. It's not like he's ever read the comic strip and it was just this year that my mom introduced us to The New Adventures of Lois and Clark. If I had to guess, I'd say he started liking Superman when a certain quarterback was drafted by the Carolina Panthers. Yes, the amazing (and quite charming, in my humble option) Cam Newton.
The natural place to shoot these photos was Downtown Chattanooga. We picked the top of one of the largest parking garages in town.
Wardrobe was pretty easy considering all we had to buy were the glasses and tie. The glasses were actually harder to find than I expected. After checking the local 2nd-hand stores, my mom finally found them at Walmart.
Hope you enjoy!
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